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The Ultimate Comprehensive Guide to CBD Hemp Flower

Jun 29, 2021

CBD hemp flower is more popular than ever

CBD has been in the global spotlight over the last few years, which is why you’ve probably heard about it by now. And before that there was a lot of hype around marijuana products. So it’s understandable how the public perception about cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabidiol-containing products has also shifted.

This change is reflected in many pro-cannabis regulations that are currently active in many countries around the world. These regulations have positively impacted the global cannabis market, improving its valuation from $10.6 billion in 2018 to a projected valuation of over $63 billion by 2024.

Over the next 3 years or so, the cannabis industry is expected to see vast increases in cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, and sales – allowing it to aggressively expand its market share and customer base.  

What is Cannaboidiol?

When people refer to CBD they are actually talking about something called “cannaboidiol”. Cannabidiol is simply the the second most active plant compounds found in the cannabis sativa (marijuana) plant species which includes the hemp plant.

In the United States, CBD is legal when it is derived from the hemp plant – a cousin to the  cannabis sativa plant which is industrially cultivated in part for its high CBD content and low THC content. THC is the chemical compound that is commonly found in higher amounts in marijuana (cannabis), and can give you the psychoactive high effect commonly associated with marijuana.

Thanks to the Hemp Farm Bill of 2018, the hemp plant was legalized in the US, which allowed the use of CBD products derived from hemp plants containing less than .3% THC to be legal.

For many centuries, there have been different claims about the medical benefits of cannabis and for the sake of this article, hemp derived CBD. However, these claims remained largely speculative until the early 1970s. During the 1970’s, animal testing and a small amount of human studies on the bioactivity of cannabinoids were conducted.

Evidence from these studies made it easier to understand how CBD and CBD-derived compounds can be beneficial in human medicine. Fast forward to today, recent clinical studies have provided convincing evidence supporting the anxiolytic, analgesic, antipsychotic, neuroprotective, and antioxidant properties of CBD.

You might have also heard about the CBD wonder drug 'Epidiolex.' In June 2018, the Food Drug Administration approved Epidiolex as the first CBD-based drug for the management of rare, severe epilepsy.

With legalization just a few years ago, and one FDA-approved CBD already on the market, you probably imagine that the volume of research currently dedicated to developing new CBD products for use in humans is high – which it is. Studies on CBD have gone up drastically in the last few years, and show no sign of stopping.

What is CBD / Hemp Flower?

The hemp plant is a dynamic plant, with each component of the hemp plant serving its own purpose in the hemp cultivation process. Hemp flower happens to be one of the most in demand CBD products today.

Hemp flower is simply the mature flower buds of the hemp plant. Hemp flower can be sold under different names, including cannabis flower, hemp flower, CBG flower, hemp CBD flower, and hemp buds. In some countries, hemp products with THC levels below 0.3 percent are classified as legal marijuana similar to the US. Hemp flower contains no significant amounts of calories, fat cholesterol, lactose, and trans fat.

Depending on the strain, hemp flowers have a differing cannabinoid profile since CBD is not the only cannaboid that hemp plants contain, nor is it the only beneficial cannabinoid in the hemp plant. Current research is being done into other cannaboids founds in the hemp plant like CBG, and CBN. Different strains of hemp also have different flavonoids, and terpenes, which also have active properties.

The flavonoid content in the hemp flower is responsible for the potent flavors and smell of the flower. Terpenes, on the other hand, serve multiple purposes –they contribute to the flavor of the plant and also enhance the bioactivity found in the cannaboid receptors in the human body.

Hemp flower is produced by cultivating the feminized hemp flower seeds in a greenhouse, indoor, or outdoor agriculture growing operation.

An important aspect of hemp derived cbd products is the composition of the cannaboids they include. You may have browsed for or purchased cbd products and noticed that some of these products are marked ‘full-spectrum,' others are marked ‘broad spectrum,’ and then others are marked ‘cbd isolate.’ These labels and their variations are all indicating what kind of CBD and other plant compounds, or cannaboids, are included in the product.  

A CBD product will be labeled full-spectrum when it contains the natural active compounds found in the hemp plant, including cannaboids, terpenes, flavonoids, and more. This will also commonly mean the plant has up to .3% /mg of THC cannaboids which is legally allowed in hemp plants. So in essense a full spectrum CBD product has the entire cannaboid profile of the hemp plant including a limited amount of THC, which is non intoxicating.

A CBD product that is labeled broad-spectrum will contain most of the active compounds found in the hemp plant, but not all of them, and has zero thc. In the process of seperating the THC from the hemp flower and removing it, the natural cannabinoid profile of the hemp plant gets slightly degrateded – because it is hard to just isolate the THC and remove it. So with a broad-spectrum CBD product you get less active plant compounds than full-spectrum, but you also get no THC.

A CBD product that is labeled isolate, is telling you that the product has only pure CBD or cannaboidol in it. The CBD has been isolated from all other plant compounds found in the hemp plant including the THC, and extracted for use in the manufacturing process of this product so  that only CBD is present in this product. No other cannaboids, terpenes, flavonoids, THC, or other active compounds will be present. So this is just a pure CBD product.

Differentiating Between CBD and CBG Hemp Flower

Recently, the global consumer market for CBD products has noticed a steady uptick in demand for both processed CBD and CBD hemp flower. This increased demand is fueled in part by increased pro-hemp and pro-cannabis regulation and also the increased funding for research into CBD itself. As it stands, the demand for hemp flower is predicted to remain high, contributing to the projected growing market valuation of the global cannabis market in 2024.

Scientific research into the properties of the hemp plant and cannaboidiol itself have inadvertently increased awareness on the subject to not only health enthusiasts but also the greater global population. With this enhanced public awareness of CBD, the public, scientific, and industry level focus is primarily on the medical and recreational benefits of CBD and the hemp plant.

Naturally, there are a lot of surrounding questions when it comes to the topic of CBD. What are the best ways to consume hemp flowers? What is CBD oil? What are the main differences between CBD hemp flower and CBG hemp flower? While research into these topics is ongoing and in the elementary phases, here is what we do know.

What is CBG / CBG Hemp Flower?

CBG, also known as cannabigerol, is a cannaboid that is less common than CBD or THC, and is also found in hemp plants. It is found in very small quantities in most common strains of the hemp plant, typically less than 1%. Because CBG is considered the mother of all major cannaboids – which means it is the chemical precursor to both THC and CBD, researchers are looking into its differences and chemical properties when compared to both of these popular cannaboids.

Since CBG is found in small quantities in most strains of the hemp plant, extracting it requires a much higher yield of hemp plants. Genetic manipulation of hemp plants is also being worked on to create high yield CBG strains.

The most widely researched and documented differences between CBD and CBG hemp flower include:

Visual Features

This is perhaps the first difference you would notice between two cannabis products labeled as 'CBD hemp flower' and 'CBG hemp flower.' The visual features of the CBD hemp flower depend much on the strain from which it is derived. So, the appearance of the buds might be different across strains. CBG hemp flower, on the other hand, has more delicate trichomes than CBD hemp flower. Cannabis farmers take extra precautions during harvesting and curing to ensure that these trichomes are preserved in their original state.

Phytocannabinoid Composition

Hemp contains over 100 phytocannabinoids. These compounds are responsible for the bioactive properties of cbd and cbd-derived products. These compounds are present in different quantities in different extracts and derivatives of the parent plant. Phytochemical distribution on a growing cannabis plant varies extensively. The hemp stem, leaf, bud, and trichomes have different phytocannabinoid distribution.

CBD hemp flower and CBG hemp flower are different primarily in their dominant cannabinoid composition. CBG is directly derived from CBGA – a carboxylic acid that can form other cannabinoids including CBD – some call CBG the mother of all cannabnoids since it acts like a precursor for all other cannaboids. CBG flowers are derived from cannabis strains that are high in CBG. This makes CBG (Carbigerol) the dominant cannabinoid in the CBG hemp flower. In CBD hemp flower, however, cannabidiol (CBD) is the dominant cannabinoid.

Slightly Different Bioactivity

CBD has been around for many years. The focus on CBG just started a few years ago. CBD and CBG are both cannaboids but may have slightly different effects on users. Many reports are suggesting that CBG provides a more energizing effect than CBD.

For example, CBG is also recommended as alternate form of therapy for bacterial infections. However, preliminary data suggests the effects of CBG in humans is not as pronounced as CBD may be, but research is still in its early phase and ongoing. The bio-availability of each type of cannaboid would be another potential differential characteristic that is being studied.  

Medical Benefits of Using CBD Hemp Flower

The research supporting the medical and recreational use of CBD hemp flower keeps increasing almost daily since legalization in 2018. Researchers and scientists are looking into hemp and hemp derived cbd products to better understand the pharmacology of cannabinoids and how they affect human physiology. In other words, they want see how cannabinoids help our bodies. Most of the studies done to date are looking into how the human body interacts with cannabinoids.

Did you know the human body has a system of that produces and circulates ‘natural cannabinoids’? That is right, our body already produces similar compounds to CBD, naturally, for all kinds of bodily functions. These natural chemicals already present in the human body are called endocannabinoids.

Unlike in the early days, where claims about the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids were greatly exaggerated without much documented evidence backing them up, we now have pharmacological explanations for the effects of these plant derived compounds.

How Do Cannabinoids Interact with The Human Body?

Cannabinoids of the hemp plant interact with the human body by mimicking the effects of the endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are structurally complex biological compounds made of amides, esters, and other derivatives of long-chain polyunsaturated compounds.

They are produced on-demand from within the lipids of your cells, and these compounds act as biological mediators in cell signaling processes. While there is still a lot of research going into the human body’s endocannaboid system, or ECS, and it’s receptors, we do know that the ECS is responsible for regulating normal bodily functions and homeostasis.

This means the ednocannaboids that the body already produces interact with the body’s endocannaboid receptors, in order to regulate functions such as reproduction, fertility, memory, appetite, mood, and even your sleep. What scientists are finding out is that cannaboidiol also interacts you’re the endocannaboid receptors to mimic our own bodies ability to maintain homeostasis. So this would explain the ability of CBD and other cannaboids to help manage different symptoms within our body.

What should you know before buying CBD Hemp Flower?

CBD / Hemp Flower and Their Different Strains

This is perhaps the single most important aspect of buying CBD hemp flowers – they come in a variety of strains. Like marijuana, hemp plants have three different categories of strains – incica, sativa, and hybrid.

While the hemp flower strains are cultivated to contain no more than .3% thc as we discussed, which makes them legal in the US, they share the strain types and characteristics with marijuana plants of the same strain, but without the intoxication that thc provides. So the benefits of let’s say the AC/DC hemp buds and the AC/DC marijuana buds, would have a similar cannabiod profile.

The hemp version wouldn’t get you high though.

The indica strains of hemp flower are known for providing more body felt effects. They are great for relaxation or sedative like effects, as they are more heavy on this characteristic that cannaboidol characteristic. So smoking or taking a cbd product that was made from a indica strain of hemp flower, would be ideal for nightime use or when relaxation is desired.

A polar opposite, the sative strains of hemp flower would be more for providing a in your head experience. Like the sativa dominant Hawaiian Haze cbd flower, sativas are known to provide more mental energy, and would effect your mind more than your body. These are often recommended for daytime use, because they can be compatible with a busy lifestyle while giving you a subtle calm feeling.

You may have guessed it by now, but the hybrid hemp flower strains provide you a mixture of both a body and a head effect.


How Can I Consume CBD Hemp Flower?

There are many ways to consume hemp flower. The most common way if you just have cbd hemp flowers is to smoke it. You can use any kind of a pipe or water pipe or bong and pack yourself a bowl. The advantage here is the lungs are one of the fastest ways to get the cbd in your bloodstream via the lungs, so this would be a way to get immediate effects.

You can alternatively vaporize the hemp flower buds by grinding it up and packing it in your favorite vaporizer. Scientists agree that vaporization is a healthy way to consume hemp or even cannabis while still absorbing it through your lungs – the fastest delivery method for immediate relief.

Other than that, hemp flowers can be steeped to make tea, and you can also use them in foods, or make edibles with them. Then you have all the extracted products on the market from tinctures, balms, massage oils, gummies, water, powder, and fruit chunks just to name a few.

CBD Hemp Flower & The Entourage Effect

CBD users have provided a lot of feedback and anecdotal evidence on the effects of CBD and their bodies. Anecdotal reports from different users suggest that the ‘full spectrum’ hemp products, provide a better and more effective therapeutic effect in humans compared to CBD isolate products.

David Mechoulam –the famous father of cannabis research, proceeded to investigate this claim and discovered the 'Entourage Effect.'

The effect is a proposed mechanism explaining how THC acts in synergism with other components of the cannabis and hemp plant to synergistically enhance the biochemical effects of CBD in humans.

In 2011, the British Journal of Pharmacology published the report of a study confirming that selective breeding of cannabis chemotypes rich in phytocannabinoids offer complementary effects that strengthen the therapeutic properties of cannabis and hemp extracts (Russo., 2011).

This report confirmed the entourage effect coined by Mechoulam. Unlike pure CBD isolates, CBD hemp flower contains a trace amount of these phytocannabinoids because it contains a trace amount of THC (which is .3%/mg or less). This would suggest that the benefits of using CBD hemp flower would seem to be more pronounced compared with pure CBD isolates that would have a more limited effect.


Where Can I buy CBD Hemp Flower?

Buying quality CBD hemp flowers would be your number one priority if you are looking for hemp flower for recreational or therapeutic use. The right CBD hemp flower brand should be carefully cultivated, free from unnecessary pesticides, and processed minimally to retain the phytocannabinoids naturally found in the hemp plant: THC in minimal quantities, CBD, and the other cannaboids in their natural quantity and chemical composition. You can buy CBD hemp flowers online from a trusted vendor like SanDayv which puts love into their CBD flowers grown on their California farm.

SanDayv gives you quality retail and wholesale hemp flowers with lab tested, verified potency. We offer premium hemp derived CBD products which are carefully cultivated to retain the cannabinoids naturally available in the hemp plant. Our line of hemp products were inspired by a fusion of western medicine and eastern healing, incorporating ayurvedic medicine with the benefits of CBD. We produce hemp derived cbd tinctures, gummies, dried fruits, balms, and massage oils, fruit chews for both medicinal and therapeutic use. You can look through our premium hemp products here.   


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What Percentage of CBD Should Hemp Flower Have?

The CBD content of hemp flowers depends on which strain of the hemp flower is being cultivated. A lot of people think the higher the better, but because it is often hard to dose CBD flower exactly, getting a strain with a high content, could mean your taking too much.

While CBD doesn’t have a chemical dependence, you also don’t want to take more than you need, otherwise you could build up a tolerance. A good strain of cbd flower will have 10% - 20% CBD in it. Anything between 20% - 30% CBD is a going to be a very potent strain.

  • What is CBD Hemp Flower Used for?

CBD hemp flower serves multiple purposes for both recreational and medical users. You can include it in your food recipe or simply smoke it as a joint and relax. Some people use it for  management of anxiety, sleep disorders, digestion, and pain. Others may use it just to relax or take a little bit of the edge off when socializing.

  • How much CBD hemp flower would it take to fail a drug test?

CBD hemp flower contains high quantities of the cannabinoid – CBD, which is technically psychoactive but not intoxicating, and very low quantities of the psychoactive cannabinoid –THC. Only .3% / mg is allowed by low, definitely not enough to give you the high feeling.

When it comes to drug tests, if your using a full-specrtrum CBD product, then it could very well show up on a drug test even though the quantity of THC is low. Normally high levels of THC will show up on a drug test, but we believe in being safe rather than being sorry.

If you have drug test coming up or could have a drug in your future, your best bet is to use a broad-spectrum or cbd isolate product, both are processed to eliminate all THC. Since the hemp flowers have small amounts of THC in them, you may want to avoid those. We advise that you use hemp flowers responsibly as recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.

  • How Much CBD Hemp Flower Gives a full Medical/Recreational Benefit?

There is no recommended dosing standards for CBD products since these products are still under human research / clinical trials. However, it is advised that you to start with a low quantity of CBD, and after a few days of use at that dosage, you can assess whether you need to increase the dose or not.

If you do need to increase the dose, then increase it after a few days, and stay on the new increased dose for a few days. This way you can assess the effectiveness and the feeling you get from different dosages and better determine what suits your body. The rule of thumb is you want to find the best dosage that is also the lowest minimum dosage you need to to feel the effects. You can also consult your doctor on this.

  • What is the Best CBD Flower for Relaxation?

For relaxation, you are going to want to look for a hybrid or indica strain of hemp flower. Remember the indica strains are more body dominant strains that have sedative effects. The AC/DC hemp flower strain for example is an indica dominant hybrid –so it is better for night time use or when your looking to relax and may not care if you get relaxed enough to take a nap. With a indica or indica domain cbd flower, you will notice more of a full-body relaxation effect.


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